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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Here's the story.

Today is the definition of a lazy Sunday for me.  They don't come around often.  But, when they do, I try to take complete and full advantage!  (I literally did not get out of bed until 11 am this morning--It was incredible.)
And sometimes, on days like this, I find myself getting introspective.  I pour myself a cup of tea and think about life, work, love, direction, improvement, things I want to do, things I should do, all the dishes I should wash.

And that brings me to how I started this blog and what it's turned into.  The conception of this blog came the year after I finished graduate school; during the time when I was desperately seeking full-time work.  You see, the field that I studied is very specialized and my specific job is somewhat hard to come by.  So, I spent my days applying for any job I could find, just to get myself out there.  When I wasn't filling out my umpteenth application of the day, I decided that I would become the perfect homemaker.  I broke out all of the recipe books that we'd gotten as wedding gifts and attempted to bake and cook my way through my jobless misery.  (I also gained 10 pounds, courtesy of 'I'm sad that I don't have a job, so yes I will have one more cookie!')  During this time I also briefly considered joining a choir, becoming a make-up artist, and turning into a full-time Cat Lady (much to my husband's chagrin).  But, one day it dawned on me: anyone who knows me knows that I love taking pictures and I love fashion.  The obvious thing to do was to create a blog that captures all of those things!  I could dream up a fun look, get dressed up, do a photo shoot, edit the pics, and post them on my blog--and so, "Hello, Gorgeous!" was born.  My little blog gave me a certain satisfaction that I wasn't getting anywhere else.  It was amazing.

Then came the day when I actually landed a job.  And not just any job, but THE job that I had been searching for, right in my field!  The only downside of it was that I had to commute almost an hour each way.  After a tiny bit of contemplation, I decided to go for it, and here we are today.  
I am proud to say that although it's a little challenging at times, I have been able to keep up with my work, life, and still maintain my little blog.  However, my blog has really evolved from what it was when I first created it.  Sometimes, when I'm feeling a little negative, I think that it has de-evolved.  I don't post every day--at most, I find time to post a few times a week.  And don't often have time to take the lovely photos that I see on so many of my favorite blogs (but, I did this weekend.  So, YAY!).  BUT, I do post what I actually wear to my job  And I am very adamant about staying within a very real-world budget.  Most importantly, I take pride in shopping at "normal" places and putting together outfits that any woman can wear in real life and not be looked at like she has four heads.  I love high fashion, but, how many of us can really spend $400 on a sequin sweater and wear that to work?!  
[Side note: One of my personal goals when I first began my career was that I work hard and that I try to look my best while doing it-- and to show, through my blog, that dressing fashionably at work is possible for everyone.]

So, my darlings, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I may not always be able to take pretty photos of the outfits I'm wearing and make daily posts.  But, I promise to do my best to stick to the personal goal that I mentioned earlier and to be true to myself and to all of you.  I am eternally inspired and humbled by all of you, and I hope that this little blog always interests you in some way and keeps you coming back.  
Outfit details:

Black sweater | Exact here; similar here, here, here
Dark-wash skinny jeans | Exact here; similar hereherehere
Ivory tweed jacket | Exact old; similar here & here; not tweed but cute here; grey tweed jacket here
Faux fur collar | Exact old; similar herehere, here, here
Riding boots | Exact old; similar herehereherehere
Watch c/o Wristology Watches  | Exact here
Stella & Dot Renegade bracelet c/o Erika Lehman
Tortoise bracelet c/o Sira & Mara | Exact here
Earrings c/o T+J Designs | Exact here


  1. I actually appreciate the every day pictures you post - they are simple, to the point, and make it easy for us working girls to replicate the outfits. I hope I speak for others when I say your formatting sets you apart from other fashion blogs - it's less, look-at-how-pretty-I-am and more, this is how you put a fun, young, professional outfit together. You're very relatable and show us how to break outfits down from basics we might already have handy. Love the posts. :)

  2. You are too sweet! I know this is strange to say, but I am proud of you! Pride from a stranger is not the norm, but I too started a blog when I was looking for work! I have been meaning to contact you, and see if you're interested in collaborating But I admit I have hesitated. After this post, I feel I can come to you with my ideas and inspirations and feel it would be a great match!

    Look for an e-mail from me Danielle Rufrano of the Dusk & Rubies Blog! my website for my shop is my blog is Have a lovely Sunday you deserve it!

  3. Hi Yasi! What color is that lipstick you're wearing!? I love it!

  4. Your blog proves that when you have inherent style, you don't *need* the flashy photography. You are put together, easy to emulate, with a budget friendly wardrobe. That is awesome and great to see you flourish!

  5. I love your blog and I'm thankful that you keep it real.

  6. I love your blog and all your photos! I have recently re-entered the work force after completing grad school myself and had to really rethink my work clothes. Your blog and outfits have really helped me realize that business casual/business wear does not need to be boring and can have character. Thank you for all your postings!!


  7. I love that your blog isn't full of pictures with crazy photoshoots and backgrounds- I always wonder how people have time to schedule a photoshoot in their day!

  8. I love your blog so much! I think it's pretty much the only one that I check all the time. I will be starting an internship in January (at a place where its a suit every day unfortunately) and I hope it turns into a full-time :) You are a role model for me! And your hair looks amazing in these pics :)

  9. Thanks for sharing your story! So glad that things worked out for you AND you still get to blog. :-)


  10. I love reading your blog and I love that your in Michigan. I look at other fashion blogs but then I click on what they are wearing and I'm not willing to spend $400 on a pair of boots. Like you said, your realistic! Many of the stores you buy your clothes at, I get mine there too! Keep up with your blog and don't worry about the fancy pictures!

  11. I appreciate your blog and it's mission. I think that your blog is the most realistic I have come across in the fashion blogging world.

  12. Awwww, thank you for taking the time to write today's post. I love your photos and outfits so much and get marvelous inspiration from them. I have never felt like a very "put together" person, but your blog helps me tremendously with ideas and gives me more motivation to work towards achieving some degree of that. Thank you for sharing your style with us.

  13. My favorite part of your blog is the positivity you project in your photos and writing - and of course, your styling skills are amazing - you put together the MOST amazing outfits!

    I found you through pinterest (because our pics were often pinned on the same boards LOL) and I love your indoor shots - they clearly show all elements of your outfit - and are clear and simple.

    Keep doing what you do - you're one of my favorite bloggers <3

  14. I like very much your blog . I am writing to you from very far , from Istanbul. keep doing what you do with your ownstyle.
    best wishes

    p.s. : I have to commute nearly 2,5 or 3 hours every day (one and quarter/half hour home to office and more or less the same time to back)

  15. Thanks for starting this blog and sharing your story of how you got started. I'm just finishing up graduate school and am in a similar position. I am beauty obsessed and my friends are always telling me to blog or to do something about my obsession but right now schools comes first! Glad to see that you made this happen...maybe I should consider it! I love how affordable the pieces you put together are and how amazing you look all the time. Please keep sharing!

  16. I just found your blog, but I love how you dress. You dress how I want to dress. I supply teach, so I dress up a bit, but at schools where teachers don't dress up, I can be viewed as "trying too hard", even though I dress up so that I look my age and not the age of the High School kids I teach! Your blog is great and I love that you link to everything you wear and it's affordable! Especially since we just got Target in Canada!

  17. I love your blog and love your style, I sent you an e-mail a while ago I was wondering if you received it? From I just had a few questions. Great post, you blog actually inspired me to start my own style blog I found you on pinterest and was so glad that I did!

  18. I love your blog girl so keep doing what you're doing!! you don't need fancy photos to have great content like you do! : )

  19. Lots of great comments so far and I agree with so much of what has been said (Kellie & Carylee comments really echoed my own thoughts). Your content and outfits are great and where you take the pictures is secondary to me. I'm glad you continue to do what you do, and it was also enjoyable to read how you decided to start your blog in the first place. Thanks for sharing!

    On the Daily Express

  20. I haven't commented before, but I just had to tell you that I really really love your blog! I like checking out fashion blogs and pinning ideas for work when I get in a rut. I love your blog because I can see something and actually go to the store and get some of the pieces. Some blogs I see things I like but I have to find a place that has a cheaper version because I can't swing the $400 sequin sweatshirt :) You always look so very put together and I love it! Thanks for sharing :)

  21. I've never commented before but just wanted to let you know that your blog is my FAVORITE fashion blog. Hands down. I love your work outfits!

  22. I love your blog! Every outfit you put on is just gorgeous, and like others have said, it makes it even better that it is something I might actually be able to wear myself. As I was reading this post I found myself scared that you were getting ready to say goodbye to blogging!! I'm very glad I was wrong :) I think your photography is just fine, being able to see the outfit is the important part, not whether it was taken outside a cathedral or in a boat marina :)

  23. Like many others here, I too love and appreciate your blog! Not only you have great style but you have such great personality! I know we are strangers but one can tell you are a sweet person! When starting my own little blog, I too made myself the promise to keep it real. I don't have an unlimited budget and I don't have that much free time either; I can only post blogs/take pictures every other week -at the most. What is important here is that we support each other and we continue to do something that brings us excitement and happiness. At the end of the day to me fashion and style are way much more than just brand names and/or fancy/huge pictures. Keep doing what you're doing, lovely! You really inspire many of us daily and for that, I thank you!


    Pearls and Pink Pens

  24. I love reading your blog. You inspire me to put together outfits I never would have thought of on my own. And I love that you shop and "real" stores and spend realistic money on your outfits. So thank you for all you do!

  25. I recently found your blog and have become addicted copying many of your looks - many of which I never thought of on my own! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to keep this blog up as, like you, I try to look my best every day at work and your blog has helped me to do that! Such a great inspiration so thank you!

  26. Love your blog!!! It inspires me!

  27. I found your blog through Pinterest one day a few months back and I love it! I check in on Instagram every morning to see your outfits! Keep up the good work :)!!

  28. I love reading your blog :) I think you're doing an amazing job! Your outfits inspire me so much, and you inspire me to keep shopping where I shop (the normal stores). And you help me feel better about not being able to spend $400 on a sequin sweater ... if that makes sense :)

  29. Your blog is one of my favourites as its so inspiring and you give great hints on looking put together. Thanks for taking the time to share your writing and fashion sense with your audience. You really prove that fashion is not just about spending loads of money - you always look great!

  30. I love your blog - and quite frankly I love your pictures. They are just straight-forward. You aren't trying to be a model - you are just simply showing (probably on your way out the door) what you are wearing that is normal. I like that I can look quickly, not have to skim through 40 pictures (of basically the same thing) to find one that decently shows a complete outfit. So - while they may not be professional photos, I KNOW that they are real, that I can trust I won't have to pay $400 to buy one thing I might truly like. Thanks for taking the time to help us all! Keep it up!

  31. Love that you shared this!!! It's nice to see a little bit more of you then the awesome clothes that you are wearing. I think it's great that you are keeping up this blog because you love it and doing it on your own terms-that you have the time for. Some people think you have to blog a certain way or you might as well not do it but I don't agree!! It is what you make it and we all seem to think it's pretty great!

  32. I literally just stumbled upon your blog today while looking for new ideas for clothes to wear to work. I just graduated in May and had a very similar experience in looking for jobs (I'm not sure how long it took you, but these past ~6 months have been very difficult for me). I just started a job last week, but I think some of my family and friends think that I made a poor choice because I have to commute an hour each way and the $ isn't necessarily great... But this is exactly what I want to do, so its nice to hear that someone else has gone through something similar! Thank you for sharing!

    And you also have AWESOME style and I'm falling in love with your blog!

  33. you look like a million dollars. your blog is my favorite fashion blog of ALL time. and part of that is because you shop at target or old navy - places where real people with real jobs (or even no jobs!) can shop! i just had a baby and im a stay at home mom - its been really hard to get dressed and find new things that fit this new body of mine, but you have been SO much inspiration! i am in awe of your eye for fashion and beauty. keep it up my friend!!

  34. Hi Yasi! I think i am in the same dilemma you once were. My field is healthcare/science, and I am trying to find the perfect job..its so difficult and competitive. Any tips on how different approaches to job hunting?


I love your comments! Leave me a little something here. :)